Selling Your Own Ads in Your Mobile App

What is AdMob?
Admob is a mobile advertising platform founded by Omar Hamouri in 2006, AdMob Machine Review offering advertising solution to Android, iOS, webOS, Flash Lite, Windows Phone 7 and all standard mobile web browser. Google has acquired Admob on November 2009 and today Admob is the world's largest mobile advertising platform serving more than 700 billion worth of impression since its launch.
What is a Admob House Ad?
An Admob House Ad is your own advertisement that you could embed on your own app for free. It is a great avenue for you to generate extra revenue from your free app and also to encourage your users to upgrade to the paid app. Admob's seamless UI also make the creation of your house ad a breeze. AdMob Machine Bonus A house ad could be set within a couple of clicks and you can also easily setup targeting options like geographical location, demographic profile and devices version. This ensures that your advertisements reach to your intended audience.
A house ad is a great source of backlink for your website(if your app have one) as it will generate more traffic to your website and give more information to your audience where the mobile screen could not deliver.
If so happens that your app do not have a website, AdMob Machine Reviews the house ad could double up as an advertisement medium where you could earn extra revenue from it. There are 2 options for it, look for a potential advertiser who is willing to pay to advertise on your app or simply use the generated advertisement from AdMob.
How do I sell my ad space
Say if you are looking to generate some advertising revenue from your mobile app. There are a couple of ways:
1. Use Ad Network (i.e AdMob)
Once you have embedded a AdMob SDK into your App, AdMob Machine AdMob will automatically run whatever ads they have and share the revenue with you.
2. Sell your own ads
a. Sometimes for premium publishers, you might not want to run ads from anywhere because you might not know what ads will show up.
b. You might also want to position your ad space as premium in line with the content that your app is providing.
c. In this case, AdMob Machine Bonus you can sell your own ads directly either through a sales person who already exist in your organisation and who is probably already selling ads for your website.
d. You can also list on your website that you are open to having advertisers for your app and people can contact you for your advertising rates.
e. You can even create a house ad to promote that you have space available for sale!
How do I add Admob House Ad into my App?
1) The very first step of building your House Ad is of course to have an account with Ad Mob, but not to worry, you could tie your Google account with Ad Mob so that you will not have to re-enter your credentials again. After having your account in place, AdMob Machine Review the next important step is to place the downloaded AdMob SDK into your application to ensure that advertisements could be pushed in to your application successfully.


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