How to Create eBooks Easily
can be incredibly difficult it can be to create an eBook that is worthy
of selling for a profit and I have the solution to your problems. Sqribble Review The
method I am about to show you that you can use to create ebooks the easy
way is a method that I am personally using and I am finding very
effective. It is a simple method and you may scoff at it when you first
hear what I am going to say, but think about it some more and then try
and implement it. If it doesn't work then you can scoff all you want,
but I believe you will find that this is an extremely helpful method and
will help you churn out more and more paid products that you could have
ever been able to otherwise.
Use Your Blog
Most people reading this will own their own blog (if you don't then don't worry I am going to show you how to use this method even if you don't have a blog). What I have found personally difficult when trying to create ebooks is that I am torn between writing on my blog and writing for my eBook (because I don't have enough time to do both).
So instead of trying to do both here is what I recommend that you try to do:
Create your eBook in a series of blog posts
Basically I am saying to use your blog as a method of slowly creating your eBook in bite sized pieces. Instead of writing blog posts and trying to write your eBook at the same time you should kill two birds with one stone and do both at the same time. Sqribble Reviews Each day write a blog post that is in actual fact a section on your ebook. I have been doing this personally for a new eBook I am creating about website flipping. I know that I will not be able to write a 20,000+ word ebook, so I am doing it as blog posts.
Here is why this is a fantastic method
You can break your eBook down into bite sized pieces - Allowing you to tackle a little bit each day and get it done. When writing an eBook the traditional way it can seem like an overwhelming task and so you never begin. With this method it is just a small task each day.
You can write less - Instead of writing blog posts and ebooks you can just write the one and use it for both.
You can receive feedback - Sqribble Bonus One of the great things about blogs is that you can receive feedback on each part of your ebook. People can write comments on blog posts and they will let you know what they think. You can also see if your ebook/blog posts have increased reader engagement. If they have it is a good sign that you are on to a winner.
You can build traffic - As you write your eBook you will gain traffic from SEO, social media and returning visitors. The more traffic you get the more money you can make, so this is a great plus
You can get income while you write - One of the things I hate about writing ebooks the traditional way is that you earn no income while you do it, Sqribble and you may never earn income if you never make any sales. Using this easy eBook method you can gain both traffic and income (from advertising/affiliates) while you are writing your ebook.
Most ebooks come out of blog posts anyway - Sqribble Demo If you run a blog it is likely that there is already enough information there to create an ebook, and most ebooks originally start as blog posts anyway and then develop. So if this is the natural progression of things why not just write your blog posts in a way you can easily convert them to an eBook to sell?
If You Don't Have a Blog
If you don't have a blog then don't worry because you can still use this method to create your ebook. But instead of writing blog posts daily then you can submit articles to
You can then create a signature link that links to an affiliate offer. People will read your article and click through to the affiliate offer so you can make money as you work.
You will need to set up a simple landing page, which you can do at Sqribble Review and then you can try Clickbank or Motive Interactive as a place of finding affiliate offers.
Use Your Blog
Most people reading this will own their own blog (if you don't then don't worry I am going to show you how to use this method even if you don't have a blog). What I have found personally difficult when trying to create ebooks is that I am torn between writing on my blog and writing for my eBook (because I don't have enough time to do both).
So instead of trying to do both here is what I recommend that you try to do:
Create your eBook in a series of blog posts
Basically I am saying to use your blog as a method of slowly creating your eBook in bite sized pieces. Instead of writing blog posts and trying to write your eBook at the same time you should kill two birds with one stone and do both at the same time. Sqribble Reviews Each day write a blog post that is in actual fact a section on your ebook. I have been doing this personally for a new eBook I am creating about website flipping. I know that I will not be able to write a 20,000+ word ebook, so I am doing it as blog posts.
Here is why this is a fantastic method
You can break your eBook down into bite sized pieces - Allowing you to tackle a little bit each day and get it done. When writing an eBook the traditional way it can seem like an overwhelming task and so you never begin. With this method it is just a small task each day.
You can write less - Instead of writing blog posts and ebooks you can just write the one and use it for both.
You can receive feedback - Sqribble Bonus One of the great things about blogs is that you can receive feedback on each part of your ebook. People can write comments on blog posts and they will let you know what they think. You can also see if your ebook/blog posts have increased reader engagement. If they have it is a good sign that you are on to a winner.
You can build traffic - As you write your eBook you will gain traffic from SEO, social media and returning visitors. The more traffic you get the more money you can make, so this is a great plus
You can get income while you write - One of the things I hate about writing ebooks the traditional way is that you earn no income while you do it, Sqribble and you may never earn income if you never make any sales. Using this easy eBook method you can gain both traffic and income (from advertising/affiliates) while you are writing your ebook.
Most ebooks come out of blog posts anyway - Sqribble Demo If you run a blog it is likely that there is already enough information there to create an ebook, and most ebooks originally start as blog posts anyway and then develop. So if this is the natural progression of things why not just write your blog posts in a way you can easily convert them to an eBook to sell?
If You Don't Have a Blog
If you don't have a blog then don't worry because you can still use this method to create your ebook. But instead of writing blog posts daily then you can submit articles to
You can then create a signature link that links to an affiliate offer. People will read your article and click through to the affiliate offer so you can make money as you work.
You will need to set up a simple landing page, which you can do at Sqribble Review and then you can try Clickbank or Motive Interactive as a place of finding affiliate offers.
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